Crew and Captains

Cotton Crew is a technology platform that connects crew with captains through a smartphone app.
To start applying for yacht jobs, simply download and sign-up for a Cotton Crew Jobs account. When you are ready to begin accepting jobs, log into the app and select “AVAILABLE” to start showing up on nearby captain’s searches. (TIP: The more you log into the app, the higher you’ll appear on the captain search results)
-You will be able to browse available jobs that match your specific position and skillset.
-Tap each job to review the job details such as (Full time, freelance, etc) location, pay rate, start date and a short description.
-If you would like to be considered for the job, just tap APPLY and the captain will be notified immediately of your interest.
-Once you apply for jobs, captains will have the option of chatting directly with you via the app or contacting you offline via phone or email.
-Even if you don’t apply for a particular job, captains can send you a message about potential job opportunities.
-Unfortunately, all chats must be initiated by the captain. Captains can also choose to contact you directly on email or phone listed on your CV.
Absolutely! Captains are constantly posting new jobs, so be sure to check-in daily to browse all jobs and apply easily. TIP: The more you log into the app, the higher you’ll appear on the captain’s search results.
Cotton Crew is available to use worldwide! Use your Cotton Crew Jobs account to find jobs in any port you arrive in.
Download the “Cotton Crew JOBS” app from the Apple App Store. Devices with iOS 7 and newer are supported.
- Using your phone, tap the App Store icon
2. Tap Search
3. In the search box, type “Cotton Crew Jobs”
4. Tap Search
5. From the results, tap the Cotton Crew Jobs icon (GREEN ICON).
6. Tap INSTALL to download the app. You may be required to enter your App Store password.
When installation is complete, INSTALL will change to OPEN. Tap OPEN to set up or access your Cotton Crew Jobs account and start browsing and applying for nearby jobs.
Creating a Cotton Crew account requires a valid email address and phone number. You’ll also need to create a password and agree to terms and conditions and our privacy statement.
Fill in your first and last name, phone number, country (country code that matches your phone number), email address and choose a profile picture.
Next, select your Qualifications & Skills. Select the relevant position, experience, nationality, language, skills, and certificates. You can always edit this section later from the PROFILE section in the main menu.
Complete the About ME section by including details to encourage captains to hire you. This is your brief summary and should include any additional information such as specific jobs you’re looking for or any other relevant experience not included in the Qualifications & Skills section. This is a great section to help you stand out!
Finish by uploading a pdf of your CV (see “UPLOADING DOCUMENTS” for further instructions on uploading your CV). ** This CV will be downloadable for Captains, so make sure it’s up to date.
Optional: You can add up to 4 photos that represents your skills such as food photos (for chefs), table settings and floral (stewardesses), deck projects or driving a tender (for deck crew), fishing, diving etc.
– All CVs should be uploaded in a PDF format
– Make sure your CV is up to date and includes: Full name, nationality, passport expiration date, email and phone number
– Include all references from previous jobs (no references will hurt your chances of hire)
Don’t know where to start? Read our CV guide here
– To get the PDF file onto your phone, from your desktop, email yourself a copy of the PDF CV
– Open the email and file from your phone
– Select the “share” option, and select the IMPORT WITH iBOOKS option
– Once you’ve saved it in iBooks, you’ll be able to access the PDF on your phone!
– You can add up to 4 photos that represents your skills, these will appear on your profile page when captains review you for a job
– Sample portfolio ideas: food photos (for chefs), table settings and floral (stewardesses), deck projects or driving a tender (for deck crew), fishing, diving etc , yoga or fitness (if you’re a trained professional)
Cotton Crews has 2 versions: HIRE app (Blue logo) for captains and hiring managers and a JOBS app (Green logo) for yacht crew looking for work. These apps are downloaded and used separately.
To get hired for a yacht job, use the Cotton Crew JOBS app. To find local crew to hire, use the Cotton Crew HIRE app.
If your app displays the “available/not available” toggle at the bottom of your home screen, you may be using the crew version, Cotton Crew JOBS app by mistake.
If you’d like to hire crew as a captain or manager, please download Cotton Crew HIRE. *NEEDS LINK
Yes. However, you must have a separate email address for the Crew (JOBS) account that is different from the Captain (HIRE) account. You can still sign up using the same phone number, but the email address must be unique.
Cotton Crew Jobs will allow you to browse all nearby jobs based on your specific position and skillset. Here’s how to browse and apply:
- Log into the Cotton Crew JOBS App
2. On the home screen, select the “BROWSE JOBS” option
3. Tap each job posting to review job information (type, rates, location, start date, description)
4. If interested, tap APPLY
5. Your profile details will be sent to the captain for review
That’s it! Captains will contact you either via the app chat or directly on email or phone.
If you already have a job or no longer want to appear in captain’s search results, tap “not available” toggle at the bottom of the home screen of the Cotton Crew JOBS App.
Captains, Agents & Hiring Managers
1) Post a Job: Select the option to post a job from the home screen. Next, enter the type of job (full-time, freelance, etc), location of your job, set the rate, start date, and a short description. It is free to post a job, and nearby qualifying crew members will be able to apply for your posted job. Manage all new crew applications from the “JOB POSTINGS” tab from the app main menu.
2) Search Crew Database: Use the app to search for crew near you by selecting the option from the home screen. You will be able to filter results by the parameters of your choosing.
Review info about the crew, including profile photo, name, star-rating, experience, qualifications and in some cases portfolio photos. You can filter by position, years of experience in the industry, language, skills and qualifications. Once you’ve found the perfect candidate for the job, you can download their CV, review crew references, and chat directly on the app after paying the daily unlock fee. The total unlock fee will be charged to the payment method you’ve linked to your Cotton Crew account, and you will be emailed a transaction receipt.
If you are a crew agent, management company, senior crew, or a hiring manager of any type you can use the app to find qualified crew. Simply sign-up for an account and pick a payment plan that works for you.
Yes, Cotton Crew is available to use worldwide! Use Cotton Crew to hire crew in any port you arrive in. Our app allows you to search our entire database 24/7…anytime you’re looking for crew!
Download the “Cotton Crew Hire” app from the Apple App Store. Devices with iOS 7 and newer are supported.
- Using your phone, tap the App Store icon.
2. Tap Search.
3. In the search box, type “Cotton Crew Hire”.
4. Tap Search.
5. From the results, tap the Cotton Crew Hire icon. (BLUE ICON)
6. Tap INSTALL to download the app. You may be required to enter your App Store password.
When installation is complete, INSTALL will change to OPEN. Tap OPEN to set up or access your Cotton Crew Hire account and request a crew.
Creating a Cotton Crew account requires a valid email address and phone number. You’ll also need to create a password and agree to terms and conditions and our privacy statement.
Fill in your first and last name, phone number, email address and choose a profile picture.
Next, enter your payment information. Adding a credit card or debit card number allows you to pay for premium content with our daily membership fees that unlock premium content for a period of 24 hrs.
After providing this info, we’ll send an email to confirm your payment.
Cotton Crew has 2 versions: HIRE app (Blue logo) for captains and hiring managers and a JOBS app (Green logo) for yacht crew looking for work. These apps are downloaded and used separately.
To get hired for a yacht job, use the Cotton Crew JOBS app. To find local crew to hire, use the Cotton Crew HIRE app.
If your app doesn’t display the “available/not available” toggle at the bottom of your home screen, you may be using the captain version, Cotton Crew HIRE app by mistake.
If you’d like to work as crew, please download Cotton Crew JOBS.
Cotton Crew offers a convenient way to post a job, and all qualifying crew specific to your position will be alerted. Review their profiles and manage CVs and information quickly, securely, and without giving away your personal information to the public! Here’s how to post a new job:
- Log into the Cotton Crew Hire App
2. On the home screen, select the “SEARCH” option
3. Select your search filters you’re looking for. As a requirement, select the crew position you’re looking for. All other filter parameters are optional
4. Tap APPLY
The results will be displayed on the following page. If you’d like to add more filters to your search, hit the BACK button arrow on the top left.
Cotton Crew offers a convenient way to post a job, and all qualifying crew specific to your position will be alerted. Review their profiles and manage CVs and information quickly, securely, and without giving away your personal information to the public! Here’s how to post a new job:
- Log into the Cotton Crew Hire App
2. On the home screen, select the “POST JOB” button
3. Select the Job Type you want to post (daywork, freelance, full-time, seasonal)
4. Enter the salary including currency, and indicate daily, hourly, or monthly rate by tapping the circle
5. Choose the crew you want to hire by selecting from the drop-down menu. If your position is open to multiple crew, you can select more than one. For example, chief stewardess or experienced stewardess could fill the position, then select both from the drop down list
5. Select Job Location (can be a specific address, marina, or city)
6. Select Job Start Date
7. Enter a Job Description that includes itinerary, size of the yacht, qualifications you’re looking for, etc. Please do not enter any personal data such as email or phone numbers (violators will be removed from the platform)
8. Tap POST JOB! Your job is now posted to all Cotton Crew Members who fit your description and are nearby
You will be alerted when a new crew member applies for the job via email and app notification. You can review all applicants by job posting from the JOB POSTS section of the app (on the main menu)
From the main menu button on the top left corner, select JOB POSTS. Here you’ll see all your previous and current job postings. Press and hold down your finger and swipe left to reveal the red “DELETE” button. Tap DELETE to remove this listing from your history and to remove the posting from the Crew App. You will no longer receive applications for this job.
Unfortunately, you will not be able to edit the job posting, only to delete it and create a new job post.
Downloading a crew CV can be accessed once the “unlocking fee” is paid with a payment method associated with your account. Once payment is made, you have access to all to the app and including downloading a crew CV and chatting via the app. You can opt to download and view the CV on your phone or have it emailed to you.
The unlocking fee covers the following features:
– Download Crew CV
– Chat with crew member
– Read all previous captain references/reviews
– View portfolio images in larger format
When trying to access the chat functionality, you will be prompted to pay the “unlocking fee” to use all the features. Once you choose a plan and payment option, follow the steps:
– From the crew details page, tap the upper right corner “chat” icon
– Tap to being chatting
– Chat history will be saved under “CHATS” in the main menu
– After your payment package expires, you will no longer be able to continue communication unless you pay for another unlocking fee.
If you are a crew agent, management company, or captain needing crew information more frequently, you can purchase a day, a week, a month or a year pass. Use the app to hire daywork for yard periods or hire permanent crew!
Account FAQ
– Open the main menu in the top corner of the app
– Navigate to the PROFILE tab (top circle with profile photo)
From here, you can update your name, email address, phone number, password and profile photo.
To reset your password, go to your profile page in the app and change your password. If you’re logged out, click on “forgot password” and within minutes you should receive an email inviting you to reset your password.
For security reasons, you should choose a unique password for Cotton Crew and never share your password in any correspondence.
If you continue to have trouble accessing your account, please let us know at subject heading “PASSWORD RESET”
If your account requires additional verification, it may be suspended. As a result, you’ll be unable to sign into your account and find crew.
If your account has been suspended, please let us know subject heading “ACCOUNT SUSPENDED”
Please provide:
– the phone number and email address on your Cotton Crew account
– a picture of your photo ID in the same name as your account
This additional security measure is an important step to keep the system safe and your account secure.
If you’re trying to sign up for a new Cotton Crew account and finding that your email address or mobile number is already registered, it’s possible that another account incorrectly has your information associated with it. NOTE: If you’ve already signed up for a Cotton Crew JOBS Account with the same email address, you must use a separate email for your Cotton Crew HIRE Account.
If you don’t currently have any Cotton Crew account, please let us know at so that we may look into it.
If you’re trying to change your email or mobile number on an existing account but receiving an ‘already registered’ error, please email us your correct information at with subject heading “CHANGE MOBILE/EMAIL”
If you’re not receiving emails from Cotton Crew, please check your email account’s “Spam” or “Junk” folders to ensure the message was not filtered.
Also verify that your email address is listed correctly on your account by visiting your PROFILE photo icon in the main menu of the app.
If you’re still not receiving messages from us, please confirm your email address and we’ll be happy to assist at
All Cotton Crew accounts must have an email address and verified mobile number associated with the account.
If you’re trying to change your email or mobile number on an existing account but receiving an ‘already registered’ error, please email us your correct information at with subject heading “CHANGE MOBILE/EMAIL”.
If you suspect that someone has accessed or is using your Cotton Crew account without authorization, your account may be compromised.
Indications of a compromised account include:
– seeing job posts you did not post
– receiving chat alerts from crew members you did not initiate
– receiving receipts for premium account unlocking you did not request
– your account information being changed without your knowledge
– being unable to sign into your account or the email address that was on your account is no longer found.
Please change your password in PROFILE from the menu and confirm your information immediately. Create a new and unique password for your Cotton Crew account.
Contact us at to provide info so that we can investigate and help.
To sign out of the Cotton Crew app on iOS:
1. Select SETTINGS from the menu.
2. Tap Log Out.
3. Tap YES to confirm.
Yes. However, you must have a separate email address for the Crew (JOBS) account that is different from the Captain (HIRE) account. You can still sign up using the same phone number, but the email address must be unique.
To delete your account, please email us at with subject heading “DELETE ACCOUNT” and provide details why you wish to delete. While we’ll be sad to see you go, we can take care of this process for you.
Please note that once your account is deleted, we won’t be able to help review or make adjustments for past issues.